How had the earliest printing technology developed in the world ? Explain with examples.

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(i) The earliest kind of print technology was developed in China, Japan and Korea. In China woodblock were used for hand printing.

(ii) Upto the 6th century print was used only by the scholar officials but later it became common.

(iii) The Buddhist missionaries introduced hand printing technology from China to Japan.

(iv) It was Marco Polo, a great explorer, who brought printing knowledge of woodblock from China to Italy.

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(i) The earliest kind of print technology was developed in China, Japan and Korea. In China, woodblock were used for hand printing. 

(ii) Upto the 6th century, print was used only by the scholar officials but later it became common. 

(iii) The Buddhist missionaries introduced hand printing technology from China to Japan. It was Marco Polo, a great explorer, who brought printing knowledge of woodblock from China to Italy.

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