You read about different kinds of shelters in Jammu and Kashmir – some on high mountains, some on water, some with beautiful designs in wood and stone and some mobile shelters that can even be packed and carried to another place. Describe how these shelters suit the needs of the people who live there.

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The shelters of the people living on the mountains of Jammu and Kashmir are basically in the form of a tent called Rebo. These can be packed up and carried easily and quickly. These are made up of yak hair that are very strong and warm and protect them from icy cold winds within a short period of time. Since these people keep on wandering on high mountains according to the climatic conditions and to graze their animals, therefore such shelters are very much suited to the needs of the people. Some houses are made up of word which provide protection from the cold weather are in the from of boat by which they can more from place. 

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