Match the following and choose the correct options:

A.Trophoblast            i. Embedding of blastocyst in the endome trium
B. Cleavage     ii. Group of cells that would differentiate as embryo
C. Inner cell  mass iii. Outer layer of blastocyst attached to the endometrium
D.Implantation                           iv. Mitotic division of zygote

a. A-ii, B-i, C-iii, D-iv
b. A-iii, B-iv, C-ii, D-i
c. A-iii, B-i, C-ii, D-iv
d. A-ii, B-iv, C-iii, D-i

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The correct answer is b. A-iii, B-iv, C-ii, D-i

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Correct Answer is: 

B.Cleavage ii.Group of cells that would differentiate as embryo 
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