Equal torques act on tlie discs A and B of the previous problem, initially both being at rest. At a later instant, the linear speeds of a point on the rim of A and smother point on the rim of B are vA and vB respectively. We have 

(a) vA>vB 

(b) vA = vB 

(c) vA < vB 

(d) the relation depends on the actual magnitude of the torques.

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The correct answer is

(a) vA > v 


Let T be the torque and A and A' be the angular accelerations. A = T/IA and A' = T/IB. Clearly A >A'. In fact, the ratio of the moment of Inertias is 64. So at a later instant, the angular velocity of the first disc will be much greater than the second. Hence option (a).

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