One end of a light spring of spring constant k is fixed to a wall and the other end is tied to a block placed on a smooth horizontal surface. In a displacement, the wiork done by the spring is 1/2kx2. The possible cases are 

(a) the spring was initially compressed by a distance! and was finally in its natural length 

(b) it was initially streched by a distance x and was in its natural length 

(c) it was initially in its natural length and finally in compressed position 

(d) it was initially in its natural length and finally in  a astretched position.

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(a) the spring was initially compressed by a distance! and was finally in its natural length 

(b) it was initially streched by a distance x and was in its natural length 


Since in the conditions of (c) and (d) spring does not exert a force that is in the direction of displacement but in the opposite, so the work done will be negative. 

Only in (a) and (b) the work done will be positive.

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