Compare actinoids and lanthanoids with reference to their :
(i) electronic configurations of atoms
(ii) oxidation states of elements
(iii) general chemical reactivity of elements

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Characteristics Lanthanoids Actinoids
(i) Electronic configuration

[Xe] 4f 1-145d0-16s2 [Rn] 5f 1-14 6d0-17s2
(ii) Oxidation states                 

Besides + 3 O.S. lanthanoids show +2 and +3 O.S. only in a
few cases.

Besides +3 O.S. actinoids show higher O.S. of +4, +5, +6, +7 also because of smaller energy gap between 5f , 6d and 7s subshell.

(iii) General chemical reactivity of elements

These are less reactive metals Lesser tendency towards
complex formation. Do not form oxocation Compounds are less basic.

These are highly reactive
metals. Greater tendency towards
complex formation. Form oxocation Compounds are more basic.