Carbon, silicon and germanium have four valence electrons each. At room temperature which one of the following statements is most appropriate ?

(a) The number of free electrons for conduction is significant only in Si and Ge but small in C.

(b) The number of free conduction electrons is significant in C but small in Si and Ge.
(c) The number of free conduction electrons is negligibly small in all the three.
(d) The number of free electrons for conduction is significant in all the three.

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(a) :- C, Si and Ge have the same lattice structure and their valence electrons are 4. For C, these electrons are in the second orbit, for Si it is third and germanium it is the fourth orbit. In solid state, higher the orbit, greater the possibility of overlapping of energy bands. Ionization energies are also less therefore Ge has more conductivity compared to Si. Both are semiconductors.Carbon is an insulator.

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