A particle moves along the X-axis as x = u(t – 2 s)+ a(t – 2 s) 2.
(a) the initial velocity of the particle is u
(b) the accelerati?n of the particle is a
(c) the acceleration of the particle is 2a
(d) at t = 2 s particle is at the origin.

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(c) the acceleration of the particle is 2a
(d) at t = 2s particle is at the origin.


The velocity at any instant is given by v=dx/dt=u+2a(t-2)  initial velocity is the velocity at t=0, putting this value we get v=u-4a which is not zero. 

So, (a) is incorrect. Acceleration is given by dv/dt =2a, So (b) is incorrect and (c) is correct. Putting t=2 s in the given displacement equation we get x=0, so (d) is also correct.

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