Answer the following questions in about 100–120 words:

“There is no alternative of hardwork to get success”. Justify the statement with reference to ‘Two Gentlemen of Verona’.

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There is no alternative of hard work to get success. All successful men owe their success to hard work. Nothing good or great can be achieved without effort and hard work. 

The two gentlemen of Verona were two poor boys. They were truly gentlemen. They never gave up, never asked for help and didn’t accept the pity of the two visitors. They had self-respect. They never gave up the spirit of living. They helped the two visitors in every possible way which we often see gentlemen doing. They didn’t tell the visitor about their plans. They did not want to expose it as gentlemen do. They were very helping. They also loved their sister, who was admitted in hospital. Though, they were very poor yet they visited the hospital every weekend and paid the hospital charges from the money which they earned through the various works they did. They were truly two gentlemen. They never gave up. Nicola and Jacopo had the sterling qualities of sincerity, spirit of sacrifice and the willingness to work. We should also have the qualities of sincerity, honesty and dedication to work. Like, Nicola and Jacopo, we should know our responsibility. We should be dignified and selfless. If a person has human qualities then only he has the right to be called a gentleman.