Answer any one of the following questions in 100–120 words:

Inspite of having a melodious voice and being a crowd puller, the nightingale turns out to be a loser and dies. How far is she responsible for her own downfall?

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In order to survive in the manipulative world today, it is important to have worldly wisdom. It is only our individuality and reasoning that can save us from getting duped and exploited by the people like frog. We must know our limitations and capabilities to be able to decide the course of our lives. 

In the poem ‘Frog and the Nightingale’, the nightingale had unmatched singing talent. She had a soft, pleasant and melodious voice. Her popularity in the Bingle Bog left its creatures enraptured and made her discover her worth as a singer. It was the frog who commercially exploited her talent and made money. Driven by a desire to be a sensational singer, she sang for excessively long hours and lost out on sleep and thus exhausted herself. The nightingale was herself to blame for her tragic end. It was more of nightingale’s gullibility than the frog’s scheming that led to her downfall and death. We should beware of such type of greedy, money-minded, hypocritical, inconsiderate and selfish people.

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