“The peace negotiations in Geneva followed the division of Vietnam that set in motion a series of events that turned Vietnam into a battlefield”. Analyse the statement with arguments.

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The peace negotiations in Geneva followed the division of Vietnam that set in motion a series of events that turned Vietnam into a battlefield. 

(i) The peace negotiations in Geneva that followed the French defeat, the Vietnamese were persuaded to accept the division of the country, i.e. North and South Vietnam. 

(ii) The division set in motion, a series of events that turned Vietnam into a battlefield bringing death and destruction to its people as well as environment.  

(iii) The Bao Dai regime was soon overthrown by a camp led by Ngo Dinh Diem, who built a repressive and authoritarian government. 

(iv) Anyone who opposed him was called a communist and was jailed and killed. 

(v) With the help of the Ho Chi Minh in North, the NLF fought for the unification of the country. The US watched this alliance with fear. Worried about the communist gaining power, it decided to intervene decisively, sending in troops and arms.

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