Elaborate three features of an Act by Sri Lankan government in 1956. Why did civil war break out in Sri Lanka? List the results of civil war.

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(i) Sri Lanka emerged as an independent country in 1948. The leaders of the Sinhala Community sought to secure dominance over government by virtue of their majority. 

(ii) As a result, the democratically elected government adopted majoritarian measures to establish Sinhala Supremacy. 

(iii) In 1956, an act was passed to recognise Sinhala as the only official language, thus disregarding Tamil.

(iv) The government followed policies that favoured Sinhala applicants for university positions and government jobs.

(v) With a new constitution, Buddhism was adopted as a state religion. 

Results of Civil War

(i) The distrust between Sinhala and Tamil communities has increased.

(ii) Thousands of people of both the communities have been killed. 

(iii) Many families were forced to leave the country as refugees.

(iv) Many lost their livelihoods. 

(v) Civil war has caused a terrible setback to the social-cultural and economic life of the country.

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