(a) “The female gametophyte of an angiosperm is a seven celled, eight nuclei containing structure."Justify.
(b) Explain double fertilization in angiosperms.

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(a) Eight nuclei in mature Embryo sac
- Three cell form an egg apparatus , consisting of one egg cell and two synergids 
- Three cells at chalazal end called antipodals 
- A large central cell with two polar nuclei
(b) After entering a synergid, pollen releases two male gametes into the cytoplasm 
- one male gamete fuses with egg nucleus and completes syngamy resulting in zygote 
- other male gamete fuses with the two polar nuclei located in the central cell to produce a triploid primary endosperm nucleus this is called triple fusion 
- since two types of fusions take place ---> double fertilisastion