Describe any three problems faced by the French in the sphere of education in Vietnam.

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The major problems in the field of education for the French in Vietnam are as follows: 

The elites in Vietnam were powerfully influenced by Chinese culture. To consolidate their power, the French had to counter this Chinese influence. They systematically dismantled the traditional system of education. They wanted to replace the use of Chinese language. There was another problem of replacing it by French or Vietnamese.

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Problems faced by the French in the sphere of education in Vietnam : 

(i) The elites in Vietnam were powerfully influenced by Chinese culture. 

(ii) To consolidate their power, the French had to counter the Chinese influence. So they systematically dismantled the traditional system and established French schools for the Vietnamese. 

(iii) There were two broad opinions. Some policy makers emphasized the need to use the French language as the medium of instruction whereas others suggested Vietnamese to be taught in lower classes and French in higher classes.

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