Mr. Shamna, a property dealer, had many expensive appliances at his home like refrigerator, air conditioners, geyser, etc. but he forgot to put earth wire connections to these appliances. One day his younger daughter opened the fridge and suffered a severe electric shock though, she was saved.
Answer the following questions based on the situation given above.
(i) Why did it happen?
(ii) How can one save himself/herself from electric shocks by these electrical appliances?
(iii) What values are being neglected by Mr. Sharma?

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(i) This happened because earth wire was not used in the electric appliances. The purpose of earthing is that in case of an insulation failure in some appliance, this wire connected to the metal body will provide a path for the current to flow in the ground.
(ii) By providing proper earthing in all electrical appliances, connecting electric fuse in circuits, never touch an electric switch or appliance with wet hands.
(iii) Carefulness and vigilance while handling electric gadgets.

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