Sania and Shreya are best friends and study in grade 4. Recently, Sania has been facing difficulty in reading the blackboard text from the last desk. Shreya is little uncomfartable and wonders why Sania complains sitting on the last desk. On observation she found that Sania often carries junk food in her lunch. Shreya has started sharing her lunch - full of green vegetables and fruits with her. Sania is now better and has also started taking a 'balanced diet'.
Answer the following questions based on the above situation:
(i) Name the eye defect Sania is suffering from? What are the two possible reasons related to her eye defect?
(ii) What value is displayed by Shreya and Sania?
(iii) How can this value be promoted? Suggest one activity.

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(i) Myopia/short sightedness. Lens defect (increased thinness), eye ball defect (elongation).
(ii) Friendship, concern for each other, appreciation for balanced diet.
(iii) Sharing common things; helping each other in studies.

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