Keeping in view of the Indian Ideology, critically analyze the sociological aspect of women Athletes in sports participation.

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Sociological Aspects

Role of Family

Family is a significant social factor which is said to be generally responsible for early sports socialization. Some research studies indicate that the socialising process at home for both sexes is different. Males usually get more support and encouragement to get involved in sport activities. They are furthermore provided with role models who encourage and support participation in sports and games.

Role of School

Some schools there is still discrepancy as to which gender (male/female) should participate in which game. As a matter of fact, a lot of schools do not have girls, soccer, basketball and volleyball teams as these are labelled as males sport. It depends upon school whether females are encouraged to participate in sports or not. On the other hand, in some schools it is compulsory to play at least one sport for males as well as females.

Role of Culture

Cultural beliefs have a great impact on the involvement of females in sports. “A women’s place is in the kitchen” is still a common saying and many cultures still firmly believe in it. Participation in sports masculinises females and is therefore viewed negatively. The above sentence confirms the fact that masculine and feminine behaviours are culture bound.

Prejudice of society

Prejudices of society play significant role in sports participation. Some females avoid certain sports for fear of being perceived masculine. Due to such attitude and prejudices of society regarding sexuality inhibit females to participate.

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