Mention the causes, precautions and corrective measures for knock knees. 

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Causes of Knock Knees

(i) Heredity: Defects like kyphosis and other genetic defects may cause poor posture.

(ii) Lack of Exercise: Exercise tones up spinal nerves, improves coordination and reduces mental strain, improves physical ability and efficiency. Lack of exercise leads to postural deformity.

(iii) Obesity: Overweight puts extra stress or strain on the muscular as well as skeletal structure of the body which may results in postural deviations.

(iv) Overload: It may develop round shoulders and problem in spine by continuously lifting heavy load on shoulders.

(v) Weakness of muscles and ligaments.

(vi) Long standing.

(vii) Because of local foot wear.


(i) Be careful while you walk and avoid prolonged standing.

(ii) Always wear branded shoes/slippers.

Remedial Exercise

(i) Massage under expert’s guidance.

(ii) Reduce your weight by regular exercise or Yoga.

(iii) Walking on outer inclined surface and applying pressure on the outer edges of the feet, can help in preventing knock knee.

(iv) Sit with legs crossed and now press your knees in downward direction.

(v) Do Padamasana.

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Causes of Knock Knees: 

(a) Heredity: Defects like kyphosis and other genetic defects may cause poor posture. 

(b) Lack of Exercise: Exercise tones up spinal nerves, improves coordination and reduces mental strain, improves physical ability and efficiency. Lack of exercise leads to postural deformity. 

(c) Obesity: Overweight puts extra stress or strain on the muscular as well as skeletal structure of the body which may results in postural deviations. 

(d) Overload: It may develop round shoulders and problem in spine by continuously lifting heavy load on shoulders. 

(e) Weakness of muscles and ligaments. 

(f) Long standing. 

(g) Because of local foot wear. 


(a) Be careful while you walk and avoid prolonged standing. 

(b) Always wear branded shoes/slippers. 

Remedial Exercise: 

(a) Massage under expert's guidance. 

(b) Reduce your weight by regular exercise or Yoga. 

(c) Walking on outer inclined surface and applying pressure on the outer edges of the feet, can help in preventing knock knee. 

(d) Sit with legs crossed and now press your knees in downward direction. 

(e) Do Padamasana

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