Three consecutive integers add up to 51. What are these integers?

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Let the three consecutive integers bex, x+1and x+2.
According to the question, x+x+1+x+2 = 51
=> 3x+3=51

=> 3x+3-3=51-3 [Subtracting 3 from both sides]
=> 3x=48

=> 3x/3 = 48/3 [Dividing both sides by 3]
Hence, first integer = 16, second integer = 16+1=17 and third integer= 16 + 2 = 18.


Let three consecutive integers be x, x + 1, and x + 2. Sum of these numbers = x+ x + 1 + x + 2 = 51 

3x + 3 = 51

On transposing 3 to R.H.S, we obtain

3x = 51 − 3

3x = 48

On dividing both sides by 3, we obtain

3x/3 = 48/3

x = 16

x + 1 = 17

x + 2 = 18

Hence, the consecutive integers are 16, 17, and 18.