Write the advantages of weight training?
How weight training improves the working quality of children?

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1. Improves the posture and range of motion :- Weight training helps to develop correct posture and extension, contraction of muscles leading to increase range of movement.

2. Increase muscles strength, bone density and endurance :- Resistance training can improve bone density and muscles mass. Due to more muscles mass, the tolerance Power is increased and improves endurance of the body. 

3. Protection against the injury :- Weight training, improves physical activity, system of the body and reduces risk of injury. 

4. Promote health blood pressure and cholesterol level :- Physical exercise with the resistance training decreases bad cholesterol level and increases good cholesterol. It also improves blood circulation, which in turn maintains a healthy blood pressure. 

5. Improves immune system function :- With the proper digestion, release of enzymes, Absorption of nutrients, relesase of toxic substances and healthy functioning of body organs, the immune system functioning is improved and the body become capable of fighting diseases and infections. 

6. Improves psycho-social well being :- A child with the well shaped healthy body with more potential to work is better accepted by society. A well maintained healthy physique makes a child more confident or raise his self esteem.

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1. Improve the posture and range of motion:- Weight training helps to developcorrect posture and extension, contraction of muscles leading to increase rangeof movement. 

2. Increase muscles strength, bone density and endurance:- Resistance training can improve bone density and muscles mass. Due to the more muscles mass, the tolerance power is increased and improves endurance of the system. 

3. Protection against the injury:- Weight training, improves physical activity, system of the body and reduces risk of injury. 

4. Promote health blood pressure and Cholesterol level:- Physical exercise with the resistance training decreases bad cholesterol level and increases good cholesterol. It also improves blood circulation, which is turn maintains a healthy blood pressure. 

5. Improves immune system function:- With the proper digestion, release of enzymes, Absorption of nutrients, release of toxic substances and healthy functioning of body Organs, the immune system functioning is improved and the body become capable of fighting against diseases and infections. 

6. Improves Psycho-social well being:- A child with the well shaped healthy body with more potential to work is better accepted by society. A well maintained healthy physique makes a child more confident or raise his/her self esteem.

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