Mention the types and effects of micro nutrients on our body?

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Minerals & Vitamins are the micro nutrients of diet. Function of Micro nutrients. 

(i) Calcium :- It is required for bone and teeth formation, deficiently causes osteoporosis, Rickets and retorted growth. 

(ii) Iron :- it in required for formation of haemoglobin, deficiency leads to anaemai. 

(iii) Phosphorus :- It helps in making strong bones and teeth. 

(iv) Sodium :- It helps nervous system for better response, dificiency causes cramps and tiredness. 

(v) Iodine :- It helps in proper growth & development of body, dificiency leads to goitre. 

(vi) Fluoride :- It helps teeth and nails. 

(vii) Chioride : - It helps body to fight against infection, proper functions of nervous system. 

Vitamins : 

A - helps in normal growth & development of eyes and skin. 

D - Important for formation of strong bones & teeth. 

E - It protects the cell membrane and acts as antioxidant. 

K - helps in Blood clotting and heals wounds. 

B - Vit B1 for growth & development. 

B2 - helps in growth of RBC. 

B3 - Play important role in energy transfer, reactions in the metabolism of glucose, fat & alcohol. 

B5- In involved in oxidation of fatty acids & carbohydrates. 

B6 - It helps in metabolism of amino acids. 

B7- it play key role in metabolism of lipids, proteins and carbohydrates. 

B9- Folic Acids Needed for normal cell division especially during pregnancy and infancy. 

B12 - It involved in cellular metabolism of carbohydrates proteins and lipids an helps in production RBC in bone marrow. 

C - helps in healing wounds it helps formation of growth & repair of bones, skin & connective tissues. It makes healthy teeth & gums.