Kossel postulated alkalies and halogens are separated by noble gases. But they are separated by transition elements then how is that true?

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Kössel’s explanation of chemical bonding:

  1. Noble gases separate the highly electronegative halogens and the highly electropositive alkali metals.
  2. Halogens can form negatively charged ions by gaining an electron. Whereas alkali metals can form positively charged ions by losing an electron.
  3. These negatively charged ions and positively charged ions have a noble gas configuration that is 8 electrons in the outermost shell. The general electronic configuration of noble gases (except helium) is given by ns2np6.
  4. As unlike charges attract each other these unlike charged particle are held together by a strong force of electrostatic attraction existing between them. For example, MgCl2, the magnesium ion and chlorine ions are held together by force of electrostatic attraction. This kind of chemical bonding existing between two unlike charged particles is known as electrovalent bond.
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