Soni says that the acceleration in an object could be zero even when several forces are acting on it. Do you agree with her? Why?

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Acceleration in an object could be zero even when several forces are acting on it. This happens when all the forces cancel out each other i.e., the net force acting on the object is zero. For a uniformly moving object, the net force acting on the object is zero. Hence, the acceleration of the object is zero. Hence, Soni is right.

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If the resultant force acting on a body in different directions is zero, then the acceleration will be zero. 

We know that,                               F = ma, 

In the net force is zero,                 F = 0, then ma = 0 

                                                      ⇒ a = 0               [as m ≠ 0]

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Yes, I agree with Soni, the acceleration of an object can be zero even when several forces are acting on it if the resultant of all the forces acting is zero.

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