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Growth and development in higher plants is referred to as being open. This is because various meristems, having the capacity for continuously dividing and producing new cells, are present at different locations in these plant bodies.

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In higher plants, some of the cells retain their capacity of cell division. Hence, growth is of open type. Moreover, some of these cells always undergo differentiation after some rounds of cell division. Hence, the scope of differentiation is also open. Thus, it can be said the both growth and differentiation in higher plants are open.

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Theoretically, growth and dierentiation in higher plants are open. This means that there is no limit to the ‘extent a plant part can grow. But it is more correct to say that development and differentiation is open in higher plants. Once a cell loses its capacity to divide then it differentiates. 

Differentiation is the process by which a particular plant starts doing the job it is meant to do.

For example, the job of a leaf is to make food for plant. Sometimes environment or a particular phase of growth can dictate a particular part to behave differently. This is the phase when re-differentiation occurs and the plant part takes on a new role. Thus, it can be said that development and differentiation are open to change under the given environmental conditions and demands of those conditions.

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