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When a plant cell is placed in a hypertonic solution or a solution having higher water potential, the water diffuses into the cell (i.e., movement is observed from higher to lower water pressure region). The entry of water in the plant cell exerts pressure on the rigid cell wall. This is called turgor pressure. As a result of its rigid cell wall, the plant cell does not burst.

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When a cell is placed in a higher water potential solution (low cocentrated solution) cell swells up due to endosmosis and becomes turgid.

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A hypotonic solution has higher water potential. When a plant cell is placed in hypotonic solution, the cell gains water and thus gains turgor pressure. This leads to the cell getting swollen. But the rigidity of the cell wall, prevents the cell from bursting. 

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If a plant cell is placed in a hypotonic solution, the plant cell loses water and hence turgor pressure, making the plant cell flaccid. Plants with cells in this condition wilt. Further water loss causes plasmolysis-pressure decreases to the point where the protoplasm of the cell peels away from the cell wall leaving gaps between the cell wall and the membrane, Eventually cytorrhysis- the complete collapse of the cell wall can occur.

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