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It is said that "A person only succeeds when is able to grab the opportunity at the right place and right time"
Jeff Bezos, founder, chairman, and CEO of Amazon has just proved that technology has just elevated to an another level, people are not just confined to big screens but small screens are equally smart. Shopping when combined with technology give rise to E-commerce.E-commerce has revolutionized the way we shop playing a vital role Amazon has made shopping online easy and exciting and also giving a tough competition to its rivals.Amazon which can be accessed digitally on any platform from desktops to smartphones.Jeff Bezos became world richest person as he fully utilized this oppurunity  at the right time.
Bill Gates on the other side had many blows in recent years like failure of windows phone, the change from large screens laps and desks to smartphone
also, the rise of some other OSs similar to Windows are some factors which made Microsoft founder come next in line after the former.

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Good Thought

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My Answer if I am Bill

Hi Jeff

I came to know you became wealthier than me.Well ! i feel happy for you .It gives good pleasure to be the world’s richest person and i know this.

Congrats for your achievement and your future.

Well! I hope i will see you in upcoming XYZ event for helping African children** to help them to have education and better nutrition.

May be together we can make some differences.

Warren will be there to join us.

Bill Gates

(Bill & Melinda gates foundation)

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All should have the opportunity..

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If I would be the Bill Gates then without reacting on this news, I will go ahead with my own plan to grow up

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My reaction (Considering me as Bill Gates): First of all I'll take details review of the news as well as marketing activities of Amazon and will try to get positive things out of their activities to draw out my future plan but will move further on without changing my own plan and strategies.

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