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(a) Right to Safety The consumer has the right to be protected against the goods that are hazardous to life and property.

(b) Right to Choose The consumer can choose the product to be bought. He cannot be forced to buy things that are not of his choice.

(c) Right to be Informed The consumer has the right to know important facts about the product and services which are being bought.

(d) Right to Seek Redressal The consumer has the right to seek redressal if the producer has exploited him. He has got the right to be compensated by the producer/trader if any damage occurs due to the product.

(e) Right to Representation In case there is a dispute between the customer and the seller which is not settled the customer can approach the local consumer court for redressal. In case his representation in the district court is dismissed, he can appeal at the state level and then at the national level.

(f) Right to Consumer Education Consumers must become conscious of their rights while purchasing goods and services. For this we should also read the advertisements brought out by the government under the headline “Jago Grahak Jago”, as they are very informative.

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