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Answer : The workers in the unorganised sector need protection on the following issues: wages, safety and health. In the construction sector, labourers are employed on a daily basis. Hence, they have no job security. Here, wages too differ from time to time. Consequently, the government has set up a minimum wages act to protect such workers from economic exploitation. 

The same problem exists for miners working in private mining companies. Their safety is secondary to the company's profits, and as a result, many miners suffer grievous injuries (and many a times, even die) due to inadequate safety gear and norms. Governments of most nations have now laid down strict rules for private enterprises to ensure workers' safety. 

Most companies in the unorganised sector do not provide health insurance to their employees. Some of these might be involved in dangerous factory production that may harm a worker's health in the long term. These workers need to be protected against the tyranny of the employer, and it is here that the government steps in.

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Wages: Workers in the unorganised sector(says factory) gets very low salary. They often exploited and not paid a fair wage. Their earnings are very low and not regular. Also these type of jobs are not secure and have no other benefits. But now government has setup Minimum wages for the workers to protect them from economical exploitation.

Safety: There is no safety methods so that a worker can be prevented from any injury. Due to this they even get died.

Health: These workers works in factory for very long and don't get any leaves or holidays. They do not have health insurance. And working in the unhygienic conditions of factory affect workers health.

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