In the context of conservation of natural resources, explain the terms reduce, recycle and reuse. From among the materials that we use in daily life, identify two materials for each category.

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Reduce means to use a material/commodity in lesser quantity,
e.g electricity and water
Recycle means a material that is used once is collected and sent back to a manufacturer so that they can make some other useful material from it:
e.g., plastic cups and buckets, glass tumbler, paper, metal objects
Reuse means using a thing over and over again instead of throwing it away. It does not involve the process of recycling either in small or large scale:

 e.g., used envelopes, plastic carry bags, bottles of jam.

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(i) Reduce: Less use of natural resources/ avoid wastage of food, water, electricity etc.
(ii)Recycle: Collection of materials like plastic, glass, metals, paper etc. and recycle these materials to make required items instead of synthesizing fresh ones. This would save natural resources
(iii) Reuse: Still better than recycling as no energy is required here and the already used things /items are used again and again.

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