Energy from various sources is considered to have been derived from the sun. Do you agree? Justify your answer.

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Sun is the ultimate source of energy. Justify by explaining the direct or indirect dependence of different sources of energy on Sun.

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Yes, I agree with the statement that energy from various sources is considered to have been derived from the Sun. Sun is the ultimate source of energy. All forms of energy are directly or indirectly derived from the solar energy.

  • Wind energy: Due to uneven heating of the Earth’s surface by the sun rays at two different adjoining places, a pressure difference is created and wind is produced.
  • Wave energy: Strong winds are generated due to the Sun and the waves are generated by strong winds blowing across the sea.
  • Ocean thermal energy: The difference between the water at the surface and the water at a depth in seas and oceans is due to the Sun.
  • Energy from fossil fuels: Fossil fuels such as coal and petroleum are formed when large plants and ancient creatures are buried deep inside the Earth’s crust under the effect of a lot of pressure and heat.
  • Solar energy: The phenomenon of generation of electricity by light (photoelectric effect) is possible only in the presence of Sun.
  • Biomass: Plants convert the solar energy into chemical energy with the help of inorganic substances such as air and water.  These plants are consumed by the animals which produce wastes from which energy is obtained.
  • Energy from flowing water: Water from sea and rivers evaporate and fall at different places of the Earth in the form of snow and rainfall. This water is collected in a dam and when allowed to flow rotates the turbine of the generator and electricity is produced. 
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