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The Tactical Automated Security System is a U.S. Air Force intrusion detection and surveillance system used for security monitoring around fixed site airbases, semi-permanent Forward Operating Bases , and other mobile tactical deployments.

The system consists of thermal imagers, sensors, communications, power and annunciation components. The system provides for wide-area and perimeter intrusion detection, assessment, and surveillance via both hardwire and UHF/VHF communications.

Sensor technologies within TASS include wide-area and short range radar, microwave, thermal, active and passive infrared, seismic, magnetic, and trip-wire. New sensor types are always being evaluated for future introduction. For fixed and semi-permanent site installations, delay/denial capabilities may also be used within TASS such as fence sensors and various barrier technologies. TASS users can receiver sensor alerts via hand-held devices and/or map based PC annunciators known as Sector Command Posts , which can also communicate events to a centralized Base defense operations center.

TASS operators can employ a variety of camera systems such as CCTV and high tech military cameras such as Wide-Area Surveillance Thermal Imagers and Long Range Thermal Imagers which detect enemy movement by tracking body heat or other heat resonances. Such thermal devices can operate in total darkness while still displaying a daylight like image to the operator. Camera devices can be programmatically linked to automatically slew to a target's location upon sensor activation which provides for near real-time assessment.