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In complex analysis, a branch of mathematics, theHadamard three-circle theorem is a result about the behavior of holomorphic functions.

Let f {\displaystyle f} be a holomorphic function on the annulus

Let M {\displaystyle M} be the maximum of | f | {\displaystyle |f|} on the circle | z | = r . {\displaystyle |z|=r.} Then, log ⁡ M {\displaystyle \log M} is a convex function of the logarithm log ⁡ . {\displaystyle \log.} Moreover, if f {\displaystyle f} is not of the form c z λ {\displaystyle cz^{\lambda }} for some constants λ {\displaystyle \lambda } and c {\displaystyle c} , then log ⁡ M {\displaystyle \log M} is strictly convex as a function of log ⁡ . {\displaystyle \log.}

The conclusion of the theorem can be restated as

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