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The International Space Orchestra is a team of space scientists from the NASA Ames Research Center, SETI Institute , Singularity University, and the International Space University.

The International Space Orchestra was created, assembled and is currently directed by designer of experiences and director Nelly Ben Hayoun. The musical director of ISO is the two-time Grammy award winner, violinist and composer, Evan Price. The International Space Orchestra collaborated with Kid Cudi, The Avalanches, Sigur Rós, Savages, The Prodigy, Beck, Bobby Womack, Damon Albarn, Maywa Denki, Bruce Sterling and Penguin Café in a musical collaboration that took music into space.

Members of the International Space Orchestra include /Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer NASA Flight Director Rusty Hunt, NASA Ames Research Center Deputy Director Lewis S. G. Braxton III and NASA astronaut Yvonne Cagle.