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Spatial view cells are neurons in primates' hippocampus; they respond when a certain part of the environment is in the animal's field of view.

They are related to place cells and head direction cells. Spatial view cells differ from place cells, since they are not localized in space. They also differ from head direction cells since they don't represent a global orientation , but the direction towards a specific object. Spatial view cells are the cells that respond in the hippocampus when a particular location is being recalled. These cells are identified in the hippocampus of test subjects by monitoring individual neurons while the test subject is moved around in a cue controlled spatial environment. The spatial view cells are the cells that fire consistently when the monkey is looking at a certain direction in the environment; this is independent of the head direction or the location of the monkey. Also, these cells are confirmed to be spatial view cells by observing that there is minimal randomized firing of the cells without the appropriate stimulus present.

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