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The Monastery of the Angels is the cloistered convent of a Roman Catholic religious order for women in Karachi, Pakistan. The community is made up of nine Dominican sisters. They dedicate their lives to constant prayer with one of them always present in the chapel. They receive many letters, telephone calls, faxes and e-mail with prayer requests.

The mother superior of the monastery and her assistant read the newspapers to learn about the situation in the world. They then tell the other sisters about the important things happening outside the cloisters.

The sisters are separated from the outside world by a grate. This divides them from the guests who visit them, from the priest who celebrates Mass for them, and even from the relatives who come to visit them on certain days.

Daily life in the convent is similar to that in other cloisters throughout the world. The sisters typically make bread, cakes, sweets, hosts and wine for the parishes. These products are placed near a small opening where people come to pick them up.

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