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Random coil index predicts protein flexibility by calculating an inverse weighted average of backbone secondary chemical shifts and predicting values of model-free order parameters as well as per-residue RMSD of NMR and molecular dynamics ensembles from this parameter.

The key advantages of this protocol over existing methods of studying protein flexibility are

The application of secondary chemical shifts to characterize protein flexibility is based on an assumption that the proximity of chemical shifts to random coil values is a manifestation of increased protein mobility, while significant differences from random coil values are an indication of a relatively rigid structure.

Even though chemical shifts of rigid residues may adopt random coil values as a result of comparable contributions of shielding and deshielding effects , combining the chemical shifts from multiple nuclei into a single parameter allows one to decrease the influence of these flexibility false positives. The improved performance originates from the different probabilities of random coil chemical shifts from different nuclei being found among amino acid residues in flexible regions versus rigid regions. Typically, residues in rigid helices or rigid beta-strands are less likely to have more than one random coil chemical shift among their backbone shifts than residues in mobile regions.

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