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Web Services Resource Framework is a family of OASIS-published specifications for web services. Major contributors include the Globus Alliance and IBM.

A web service by itself is nominally stateless, i.e., it retains no data between invocations. This limits the things that can be done with web services,

Before WSRF, no standard in the Web Services family of specifications explicitly defined how to deal with stateful interactions with remote resources. This does not mean that web services could not be stateful. Where required a web service could read from a database, or use session state by way of cookies or WS-Session.

WSRF provides a set of operations that web services can use to implement stateful interaction; web service clients communicate with resource services which allow data to be stored and retrieved. When clients talk to the web service they include the identifier of the specific resource that should be used inside the request, encapsulated within the WS-Addressing endpoint reference. This may be a simple URI address, or it may be complex XML content that helps identify or even fully describe the specific resource in question.

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