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A bus analyzer is a type of a protocol analysis tool, used for capturing and analyzing communication data across a specific interface bus, usually embedded in a hardware system. The bus analyzer functionality helps design, test and validation engineers to check, test, debug and validate their designs throughout the design cycles of a hardware-based product. It also helps in later phases of a product life cycle, in examining communication interoperability between systems and between components, and clarifying hardware support concerns.

A bus analyzer is designed for use with specific parallel or serial bus architectures. Though the term bus analyzer implies a physical communication and interface that is being analyzed, it is sometimes used interchangeably with the term protocol analyzer or Packet Analyzer, and may be used also for analysis tools for Wireless interfaces like wireless LAN , PAN , and other, though these technologies do not have a “Wired” Bus.

The bus analyzer monitors and captures the bus communication data, decodes and analyses it and displays the data and analysis reports to the user. It is essentially a logic analyzer with some additional knowledge of the underlying bus traffic characteristics. One of the key differences between a bus analyzer and a logic analyzer is notably its ability to filter and extract only relevant traffic that occurs on the analyzed bus. Some advanced logic analyzers present data storage qualification options that also allow to filter bus traffic, enabling bus analyzer-like features.

Some key differentiators between bus and logic analyzers are:

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