

Option 3 : Either I or II follows

The logic followed is:

The statement talks about the company X which has decided to increase the price of its car by 10%.

conclusion I and conclusion II may or may not follow because we can not tell from the given statement that what other companies will do if company X increases the price of cars.

But other companies can't increase the price and decrease the price of cars at the same time.

They will increase or decrease the price of cars.

Hence the correct answer will be Either I or II follows.

  • If there are two or more sentences that are used to frame a statement, then, the sentences must be interrelated, and mutual contradiction should be there.
  • Do not look for truthful notions. The information provided in the statement is the only requirement for a student to answer the question. No assumptions must be made.
  • Read the statement carefully and look for keywords that are common between the statement and the conclusions
  • If there is more than one conclusion that is applicable to the statement, students must ensure that the conclusions they opt for have some relation with each other.
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