1. XY
  2. XX
  3. YY
  4. No option is correct

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Option 1 : XY

The correct answer is XY.

  • Sex chromosomes in humans are responsible for sex determination.
  • In human beings, in each cell, there are 46 (23 pairs) chromosomes.
  • Twenty-two of these pairs are autosomes and the 23rd pair, the sex chromosome differs in males and females.
  • Females have 2 copies of the X chromosome while males have one X and one Y chromosome.
  • Each parent donates his or her offspring a set of 23 chromosomes, out of which one pair is of sex chromosomes, which are X and Y. 
  • A combination of X and Y produces a male, whereas a combination of XX produces a female. 

  • Mendel’s laws of inheritance, suggesting the transmission of single-gene characters in the families, along with more complex types of inheritance such as multi-factorial or polygenic inheritance.
  • Gregor Johann Mendel was born on July 22, 1822, to peasant parents in a small agrarian town in Czechoslovakia.
  • He is considered the father of genetics.
  • The laws of inheritance were proposed by Gregor Mendel in 1865 and 1866. 
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Option 1 : XY

Sex chromosomes in humans are responsible for sex determination. Each parent donates his or her offspring a set of 23 chromosomes, out of which one pair is of sex chromosomes, which are X and Y. A combination of X and Y produces a male, whereas a combination of XX produces a female.
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Option 1 : XY

Sex chromosomes in humans are responsible for sex determination. Each parent donates his or her offspring a set of 23 chromosomes, out of which one pair is of sex chromosomes, which are X and Y. A combination of X and Y produces a male, whereas a combination of XX produces a female.
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