

Option 2 : Only conclusion II follows

The least possible Venn diagram is:          

[ alt="F1 Chitranshi.V 17-08-21 Savita D14" src="//storage.googleapis.com/tb-img/production/21/08/F1_Chitranshi.V_17-08-21_Savita_D14.png" style="width: 236px; height: 135px;">


I. Some gold are metals → False (As, there is no definite relation between gold and metal. Hence, false)

II. All metals are diamond → True (As, All metals are silver and All silver are diamond →  All metals are diamond)

III. Some silver are marble → False (As, there is no definite relation between silver and marble. Hence, false)

IV. All gold are marble → False (As, Some gold are marbles)

Hence, 'Only conclusion II follows'.