1. Both conclusion 1 and conclusion 2 follow
  2. Only conclusion 1 follows
  3. Neither conclusion 1 nor conclusion 2 follows
  4. Only conclusion 2 follows

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Option 2 : Only conclusion 1 follows


1: P has an echo-point.

Conclusion 1 follows. All hill stations have an echo-point and P is a hill station, which clearly means P has an echo-point as P is a hill station and all hill stations have an echo-point.

2: Places other than hill stations do not have echo-points.

Conclusion 2 does not follows. The statements do no mentions whether places other than hill stations have an echo-point or not.

Hence, only conclusion 1 follows.

  • If there are two or more sentences that are used to frame a statement, then, the sentences must be interrelated, and mutual contradiction should be there.
  • Do not look for truthful notions. The information provided in the statement is the only requirement for a student to answer the question. No assumptions must be made.
  • Read the statement carefully and look for keywords that are common between the statement and the conclusions.
  • If there is more than one conclusion that is applicable to the statement, students must ensure that the conclusions they opt for have some relation with each other.
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