

Option 3 : Both 1 and 2

  • The State has reported the extent of recorded forest area (RFA) 16,582 sq km which is 6.88% of its geographical area. Hecne statement 1 is Correct.
  • The reserved, protected and unclassed forests are 72.79% and 6.98% and 20.23% of the recorded forest area in the State respectively. Hence statement 2 is Correct.
  • Forest cover accounts for tree patches of size 1 ha and more having canopy density more than 10%. However, trees occurring in patches of size less than 1 ha including scattered trees are assessed through sampling based methodology. Tree cover in Uttar Pradesh has been 7,342 sq km.
  • Tree cover of Uttar Pradesh has decreased by 100 sq km as compared to the previous assessment reported in ISFR 2017.
  • The total Carbon stock of forests in the State is 115.69 million tonnes (424.20 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent) which is 1.62% of the total forest carbon of the country. 
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