1. Javelin throw
  2. Badminton
  3. Tennis
  4. Weight lifting

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Option 1 : Javelin throw

The correct answer is Javelin's throw.
  • Neeraj Chopra, a javelin thrower, became only the second Indian to win an Olympic gold medal.
  • At the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, he earned a gold medal in the Javelin Throw event.
  • He became India's seventh medalist and first gold medalist in the Olympics, joining shooter Abhinav Bindra (2008 Beijing Games) as an individual gold medalist.
  • India won 1 Gold, 2 Silver, and 4 Bronze medals.

  • This is the only time when the Olympics were postponed.
  • In Tokyo Olympics 2020, India finished 48th in the medal tally, which is the highest position in over four decades.

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