

Option 1 : i and ii

As per official answer key, there is no right answer to it.

  • The climate of Rajasthan keeps varying throughout the state.
  • In the desert areas, it is usually hot and dry in summer and cold during the winters.
  • However, both rainfall and humidity are low in the Aravalli range and western Rajasthan.
  • Weather can be characterized by high humidity and better rainfall in the eastern Rajasthan.
  • The mean annual rainfall in the East and West Rajasthan is about 64.9 cm and 32.7 cm respectively.
  • The maximum rainfall in the state is received in the Southern or South- Eastern districts of the state.
  • The total normal annual rainfall in Rajasthan varies from 1000 cm over the South-Eastern parts to 14 cm over the extreme North-Western parts.
  • Rajasthan gets scanty rainfall because the state lies in the rain shadow region of the Aravali Range.
  • The Aravali Range lie parallel to the Arabian Sea branch of South West Monsoon and do not offer any obstruction to the rain bearing winds.
  • Rajasthan experiences a tropical desert climate. It remains extremely cold in the months of October to February while it bears the scorching heat of the sun from March to September.