1. 5:00 PM
  2. 6:00 PM
  3. 5:15 PM
  4. 5:30 PM
  5. None of these

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Option 1 : 5:00 PM


Train 1: Starts from P at 2 PM and reach Q at 7:00 PM

Train 2: Strat from Q at 3:00 PM and reach P at 8:00 PM

Formula used:

Distance = Speed × Time


Suppose the distance between the station P and station Q is x km.

For the first train:

Time is taken to cover from P to Q = 5 hr

Speed of the First train = Distance/Time = x/5

For the Second train:

Time is taken to cover from Q to P = 5 hr

Speed of the second train = x/5

Distance covered by the first train in 1 hr from 2 PM to 3 Pm = x/5

Remaining distance = x - x/5 = 4x/5

Relative speed = x/5 + x/5 = 2x/5

Crossing time = (4x/5)/(2x/5) = 2 hrs

Both train meet at = 3:00 + 2 hours = 5:00 PM

∴ Both trains meet at 5 ∶ 00 PM

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