1. Rs. 2,01,450
  2. Rs. 2,10,350
  3. Rs. 2,01,339
  4. Rs. 2,10,450
  5. None of these

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Option 3 : Rs. 2,01,339


Wife gets double of what each son gets and each son gets double of what the daughter gets i.e. 

Wife = 2 × son = 2 × daughter.

Each son gets = Rs. 44742

Concept used:

Here we will be using the fundamental concept of ratio.


Let the amount distributed by Dinesh among his wife, each son and daughter be ‘x’, ’y’ and ’z’ respectively.

Amount received by wife = x = 2y

Amount received by each son = y = 2z = Rs. 44,742

⇒ y = Rs. 44,742 and z = Rs. 22,371

Total amount distributed by Dinesh = x + 2y + z = 2y + 2y + z = 4y + z = 4 × 44742 + 22371 = Rs. 2,01,339

∴ Total amount distributed by Dinesh = Rs. 2,01,339

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