1. 12
  2. 19
  3. 17
  4. 20

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Option 1 : 12

12 Type-1 workers completed = 10 days

1 Type-1 worker will complete = 12 × 10 = 120 days

Since Type-1 worker 2.5 times efficient than type2

1 type-2 worker complete = 2.5 × 120 = 300 days

Work done by Type-1 worker in 1 day = 1/120

Work done by 4 Type-1worker in 1 day = 4 × (1/120) = 1/30

Work done by Type-2 worker in 1 day = 1/300

Work done by 15 Type-2 worker in 1 day = 15 × (1/300) = 1/20

Work done by (4 Type-1 + 15 Type-2) worker in 1 day = 1/30 + 1/20 = 5/60 = 1/12

⇒ Together 4 Type-1 and 15 Type-2 worker can complete the whole work in 12 days.

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