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"Most memorable day in my life"→প্যারাগ্রাফটি নিম্নে লিখে দেওয়া হল। ★Human life is like a bubble which must burst after a short time. But even in his short span of life a man may come across a good number of days which are associated with various memories, never to be forgotten. Undoubtedly these days vary in importance as well as in degre. After all they are momorable. Such a day came in my life and it came on the play-ground. I was something of a footballe, but I had never been a good footballer. I played only for the physical joy that I got out of the game. I never thought of victory. The result was that I was never picked up for the school team. This was only because there was another player in the same position. He was certainly a great player. So I never complained. I just stood and waited. My waiting was also rewarded. It was the day of all days. Our team entered into the final and was meeting its rival. As ill luck would have it, our star player fell ill at the last moment. Some one had to be picked and that some one had to be myself. I entered the field greeted by the cheers from my friends. I played, believe it or not, like one inspired. I was here, there and everywhere, now at his frontal attack, now at the defence. And it was I who scored the winning goal. It marked the climax of the glorious day. I was the hero of the field. Today I look back on the day with unmixed pleasure and satisfaction.