Which of these statements are correct?<br>1. Ocean currents are the slow- surface movement of water in the ocean.<br>2. Ocean currents assist in maintaining the Earth's heat balance.<br>3. Ocean currents are set in motion primarily by prevailing winds.<br>4. Ocean currents are affected by the configuration of the ocean.

Correct Answer: 2, 3, and 4
Statement 1 is incorrect.
Ocean currents are not just slow-surface movements; they encompass the entire water column and include both surface and deep currents.

Statement 2 is correct.
Ocean currents play a significant role in redistributing heat around the Earth, helping to regulate the planet's heat balance.

Statement 3 is correct.
Prevailing winds are a major driving force behind the movement of ocean currents. Wind patterns at the surface of the ocean create friction and transfer energy to the water, setting the currents in motion.

Statement 4 is correct.
The configuration of the ocean, including factors such as the shape of coastlines, the presence of continents, and the location of underwater features, can influence the direction and behavior of ocean currents.

Therefore, the correct options are 2, 3, and 4 (Option B).